My greatest lesson so far

I have been a seeker and still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul. - ⭐️Rumi 

This might be the greatest lesson of my life so far.

To stop listening to everyone else.

To the “experts” and the “teachers” and “best practices.” And instead go deeper. To my own soul. That is where wisdom lies. It is where I find God. It is where I find my true self. 

Unfortunately, I was taught most of my life not to trust that voice. Not To not trust myself. That my heart was wicked. But I know now, and I am learning, I am core is my compass. It is how God speaks to me and moves in me. And that is what I need to listen to.

Not the books. Not the stars. Not the experts or the preachers or whoever tries to tell you they know what is best for you. That wisdom is inside of you.

Listen to it ❤️❤️




For the Traveler