A Wider Table
Thoughts designed to cultivate honest conversations that encourage us to leave room for new perspectives, new ideas and new people in our work, faith and life.
“I just want you to know that I’m alive because of you.”
A few weeks ago, I sat in a nearby coffee shop to journal, and I struck up a conversation with my server, Vigan.
He asked me where I was from, and when I told him the US, he started to tell me all about his love for New York City and 90s rap music.
He was so exuberant and engaging. He explained how he works 2 jobs to pay his rent and also to help out his mom.
Then he got super serious.
“I just want you to know I’m alive because of you.”
Solo Travel After Divorce
Solo Travel After Divorce: Making your vision greater than your fear … interview with Journey Beyond Divorce
Explore the incredible benefits of solo travel for individuals facing the complexities of divorce. Discover how solo journeys can be a powerful tool for healing, self-discovery, and personal growth during this challenging time. Whether you're seeking to reignite your sense of adventure or gain fresh perspectives on life after a major change, this episode offers valuable insights into how travel can help you move forward.
7 ways to overcome your solo travel fears!
7 simple tips for getting out of your rut, overcoming your travel fears and living the life you want!
Do I need to travel overseas to experience transformation? (aka: a love letter to Saugatuck, Michigan)
People often ask if they need to go on a huge international journey in order to be part of my Brave Journey coaching program or to experience transformation.
The simple answer is no.
The reason I say this is because I believe the key to transformation is really pretty straightforward: it happens when we make space for it.
And the truth is that we can all can do that anywhere—whether we spend a weekend away in a nearby city or we travel halfway around the world.
Growth and change can happen ANYwhere.
Why Women are Drawn to Solo Travel
Did you know that the majority of people traveling abroad alone these days—married and single—are women, and the demand for women-led tour groups is rising?
Check out this short video in which Stephanie Sy takes a closer look at the reasons why women are drawn to solo travel and how the hospitality industry is taking notice. link here
This piece is fascinating to me for lots of reasons.
First is the perspective of Patricia Patton, who was a flight attendant traveling solo in the 70s! Can you imagine? What a badass. She’s now in her 70s and still enjoys travel.
Second is the interview snippet with Molly Furey, a woman who says she returned from solo travel without a major transformation.
Molly talks of mishaps with currency exchange miscalculations and anxiety-fueled grocery shopping and cross-country drives. Most embarrassing of all, she says, is that she did not have one epiphany to show for it all.
When I heard her say this, I wondered, why didn’t she experience transformation? So I dug up and read her article, and I have a few ideas and suspicions to share.
Do you feel stuck?
Are you at a crossroads and feel stuck?
If you’re in the middle of a big life change (or considering one), everything likely feels upended.
You’re not sure who you are or what you want.
You’re not where you thought you’d be at this point in life.
You wonder, “Is this the way life is supposed to be?”
And you most certainly feel alone in it all.
Do you wonder if travel might offer a fresh perspective or a new start—but you’re scared?
What if you had a step-by-step process and an experienced guide to help you experience the kind of trip that you need right now?