How to create your own Eat, Pray, Love experience (hint: It probably looks nothing like Elizabeth Gilbert's)
When Elizabeth Gilbert embarked on her now-famous transformational travel journey, she had no idea millions of women would try to follow in her footsteps.
Her book about her experiences quickly became a NY Times Bestseller. Then a blockbuster movie.
Millions of women read the book, saw the movie and were inspired to create their own “Eat, Pray, Love” experience.
They traveled to Italy to eat pasta and find “Luca Spaghetti.” They went to India to meditate and find peace. They flew off to Bali in hopes of finding clarity and love.
They followed in Liz’s exact footsteps like it was a template designed to lead to their own happiness, too.
The problem is that transformation is never one-size-fits-all.
Italy, India and Bali were what Liz Gilbert needed.
What you need will likely look different.
Should your trip look exactly like Liz Gilbert’s?
Liz spent the first chunk of her travels in Italy gorging on pasta, learning Italian, making amazing new friends and enjoying life’s pleasures. She then moved on to India to learn about meditation, letting go and finding her Center. She ended her journey in Bali, where she fell in love with a man who would eventually become her husband.
Liz Gilbert’s story is beautiful and inspirational.
But her story isn’t your story.
“Liz Gilbert’s story is beautiful and inspirational.
But your story might be even more magical.”
— Dawn Pick Benson
Your Journey likely does not include a pre-planned, magic combination of eating too much pasta in Italy, living in an ashram in India and learning from a wise elder in Bali while falling in love with a man from Brazil.
For Liz, this made sense.
She needed to experience her grief through letting go and connecting with others in order to heal.
She needed to find peace with her choices.
She needed to give herself permission to live again.
How can you make your story even more magical?
Do you want to get “un-stuck” or find clarity on next steps?
Rediscover who you are and want you want?
Are you looking to find confidence?
Find the vitality you once had or feel alive again?
Your own Eat, Pray, Love experience should reflect what your soul is crying out for. That’s where the magic lies.
The most transformative travel experiences actually reflect who you are and invite you toward what you want and need to experience at this moment in your life.
This means that instead of Eat, Pray, Love, your experience might be better named:
Sit, Embrace, Live.
Connect, Grieve, Dance.
Cry, Laugh, Wander.
Take a few minutes now and jot down what comes to mind.
What feelings do YOU need to FEEL?
YOUR soul, your innermost self, is searching for something specific. It thirsts to feel something.
Stop and listen. Even if just for a second or two.
(It you’re having trouble and want help to visualize your own Eat, Pray, Love experience, I’ve included the exact exercise I use for myself and my clients in the guide below!)
Don’t try to recreate an experience that was never meant for you.
Find your own version of Eat, Pray, Love.
It likely won’t include LIz’s exact route of visiting Italy, India & Bali (but it might include pasta!)
How can you create your own Eat, Pray, Love experience?
Get my FREE guide to help you envision your own below!
For one-on-one help figuring out where to start, contact me today for a free initial consult.
Or learn more about my Brave Journey program, which is designed to help women like you create your own unique travel experience that leads to transformation.